Do your best to reduce the damage. Make sure the emergency centre is notified in the event of a fire, a gas leak or vandalism by calling 112.
Call our 24 hour customer support on +372 5 68 68 668or report the damage by e-mail to kahjud@bta.ee or by filling in the claim report
We will advise you on the paperwork and if necessary, choose a suitable partner to assess the damages.
We assess the damage and review the necessary materials for the insurance decision.
Damaged property will be repaired or the amount required to replace an equivalent item will be compensated upon reaching an agreement.
In the event of an accident, proceed as follows:
In the event of liquid or vapor leakage, if possible, turn off the water supply and inform the chairman of the apartment association or the house manager or call a plumber.
1. In order to carry out the rescue operation and document the circumstances and cause of the accident, please contact the rescue service on 112 in the following cases:
a person is injured
a fire has broken out
a gas leak occurs
if there is reason to believe that it is vandalism or burglary
2. If possible without endangering yourself, take action to save the property and prevent further damage.
3. If possible, after the rescue work has been completed, try to keep the accident site and the remains of the insured damaged property safe and untouched.
4. As soon as possible, contact BTA customer service by calling (+372) 5686 8668 to receive instructions for further action and to register a loss event.
We indemnify in BTA traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.
Check out the current contracts in BTA self-service. Self-service is available only for private customers.
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Enter here the sum insured value, which is the amount necessary to purchase a similar thing, taking in account the depreciation of the thing
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